2017 David Lab Holiday party!

The David lab holds its semi-annual lab clean-up day and holiday party! This year's party theme was ugly sweaters and ugly mustaches. Congrats to Jordan and Efrat who tied to win the costume contest!

L->R Top: Qingfei, Nick and Igor.

Middle: Efrat, Yael, Josh, Albert and Jordan.

Bottom: Jake, Karin and Wola

Welcome to the lab, Qingfei!

Our newest post-doc!

House warming party!

June finally sees us getting new space on the 19th floor!

June 2017

2017 Annual BBQ + Goodbye Hannah

We wish you good luck as a graduate student at Duke! We will miss you (but luckily we have double the chances of seeing you in the chemical biology field...)

Welcome to the lab Wola and Jake, our new TPCB graduate students!

Welcome to the lab, Efrat!

Our first post-doc!