Another fabulous David lab holiday party in the books!!

Annual David lab BBQ

Saying goodbye to Wola and Akhil and welcoming our summer student Julia!

****Amazing news***

Our very own rockstar postdoc, Qinfgei Zheng, is starting his own lab in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Center for Cancer Metabolism at The Ohio State University!

The first student graduating from the David lab...

Congratulations Dr. Adewola Osunsade!!!

Yes. It is a sword 😍 Use it wisely in your next role at McKinsey!

Congratulations Nick for a great talk at the NYAS!

And Devin and Igor for great poster presentations!

The good-looking David lab on another day of shooting

Some are more natural than others...

Bitter-sweet *socially-distant* goodbye to Akhil!

We wish you good luck with the exciting next steps!

Congratulations to Yael for giving the 2021 Novartis Chemical Sciences Lecture at Scripps!