2018 David Lab Holiday party!

Ball gowns and tuxedos!

L->R Top: Nick, Yael, Qingfei, Albert and Jake

Bottom: Wola, Devin and Efrat

Welcome to the lab Devin, our first MD/PhD student!

And the first MD/PhD student at the TPCB program!

Goodbye to Efrat!

We wish you good luck at the Tri-I TDI! We will miss you (but excited to keep working with you!)

David lab takes new pictures!

We do clean up nice when we try!

Akhil successfully finishes his SPORE summer internship!

We missed Akhil so much, he's coming back to the lab as a tech!

2018 Annual BBQ + goodbye to Albert!

We wish you good luck as a graduate student at Weill Cornell Pharmacology! We will miss you (but surely will see you around...)

Welcome to the lab Nick and Igor, our new TPCB graduate students!